Medicine Chest of Mandalas

The Mandala Collection

Mandalas have been used for millennia in our quest for spiritual connection, healing and personal development. They're even evident in cave art. Cultures worldwide have created and worked with them for manifestation, healing and gratitude offerings.

Working very much like sigils, mandalas can contain countless hidden patterns and messages, woven into their very fabric. With my ongoing interest in interconnectivity and magic I have long had a fascination for them and have created a good number of them.

This small collection of mandala offerings have been created from nature finds over the past few years and are now offered to you on Earthlight. Each one was created over many days from nature elements combined together in editing software with each mandala containing many hundreds of parts. The original elements were photographed carefully in the field on a white background.

Each mandala has a distinct intention, imbued in the creation process. They are offered to you now to help your connection, healing and manifestation.

Elemental Mandalas

Healing Mandalas

Flower Essence Mandalas